A look back with gratitude, a look ahead with optimism to 2018
This has been a busy and exciting year of growth for myself and the studio! Seeds that I planted months to years ago are now coming into...

Healing arts: natural choices to help yourself are as diverse as you are.
The kind of care you choose to receive is as invidual as you are. Outgoing or extroverted people like friends, hugs, and verbal...

Keep up your practice (or enhance it) with private sessions
Yours is a highly personal yoga practice, even when we practice in a group. The positive energy we get from a group can motivate and...

Yoga: A Beacon of Healing Light
Starting a yoga studio in an area full of medical centers is not an easy mission. It first started as a dream to fulfill a personal and...

Gaining freedom from the practice of aparigraha
The following is an excerpt from "Freedom Meditation to Release Attachment," a recent meditation class I taught at Full Circle Yoga in...

Friends help friends say Om
If you're not used to belting out tunes, getting the sound "aum" out of your mouth can be intimidating and downright strange. I used to...

Commit to the path and never give up
We opened our new location on Bastanchury Rd. in Yorba Linda last week and I feel so fortunate to see many new people mingling with our...